Category: Addictions

How to Stay Sober over the Holidays


If you have a drinking or drug using problem the Christmas season can be a difficult time to stick to your goals of sobriety.

Stinking Thinking

“Oh No! Here come the holidays and what if I can’t stay sober??” you might be thinking. Well you absolutely can with good planning and good thinking.

The above thought that begins with: “Oh no, what if…” is what is referred to as a catastrophic thought and a self-fulfilling prophecy. Continue reading »

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Depression and Codependency: Self Respect versus Serving as a Doormat


             You’re very tired. It’s been a hectic day and what you’d really like to do is just sit for a few minutes.  But instead, with a sigh, you start in on the ironing with resentment simmering inside of you.

            The phone rings and your friend asks if you can give her a lift to work in the morning. It will be tight you realize as you have to drop off your youngest child at school. Clenching your jaw, and putting a smile on your face, you agree to do it.

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Posted in Addictions, Depression, Eating Disorders | Leave a Comment

Addiction on the Number Nineteen

addiction (2)

I would like to tell you a little story about a bus ride I had to work the other day.

Taking the bus is always interesting with all the different folk on board and relaxing not to have to drive, it’s nice not to have to drive but just sit back and enjoy the ride.

I have often seen the positive side of human nature on the bus. A mother was having no luck in quieting her crying baby and a stranger reached out and asked the child if she would like the paper, and offered her the daily news flyer. Continue reading »

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The Importance of Structure in Addiction Recovery


As we get sicker in our addiction our daily structure gets distorted and our self care falls away. When we get clean and sober our daily structure needs to change to accommodate our healthy recovery behavior. You may have wasted lots of time on using and getting over the effects of using—feeling hung over. You may have stayed up late and slept in and given up healthy eating, sleeping and recreation which often happens when drinking and using gets heavy.   Continue reading »

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Spiritual Tools To Empower You In Addiction Recovery


From A Vancouver Addiction Therapist

Recovering from an addiction can be a long, sometimes painful road to travel. For that reason, when you’re working through a 12 Step Program, you are encouraged to seek out God’s help, or the help of a Higher Power. As a Spiritual Director who is focused on helping people understand how much God wants them to succeed in their addiction recovery, I always encourage the people I work with to take advantage of the many spiritual tools that are available to them. Continue reading »

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Vancouver Addiction Counselling: The Spiritual Aspect Of Recovery

hand gestures meditating

If you have ever been a part of a 12 Step Program, you know that God, or a Higher Power, is the central focus to the program. However, if you have never gone through a 12 Step Program, that might be a new concept to you. Regardless of where you find yourself in your spiritual life, it is important to understand the spiritual aspect of addiction recovery. Continue reading »

Posted in Addictions, Spirituality and Healing | 2 Comments