Everyone agrees that weight control is a key component of maintaining good health. Below you will find 3 tips on healthy weight management.
Start with Acceptance
Acceptance is commonly considered one of the key attitudes of mindfulness. In the area of weight management, it particularly applies because, according to Hudnall, it’s about supporting yourself in living a happy, healthy life, not getting in your own way with negative attitudes about yourself.
Acceptance can be a tough concept to master when there is considerable pressure to conform to others’ standards, particularly when it comes to weight. But people can move toward acceptance by starting to use their own thoughts, feelings and experiences as a guide to discovering what feels best to them. When it comes to eating, that’s what mindful eating is all about. Source: Mindful-Eating
Poor eating habits such as overeating are acquired early in life. We lose connection with our body and let the mind take control. Eventually, we stop listening to the signals that our body is sending us.
Ayurveda teaches us that our health depends on conscious choices. Being aware of what is good for and harmful to our body is the key to conscious eating; this is the basis of naturally balancing your weight in a healthy way.
When you choose fresh, organic food that’s loaded with nutrients, and contains no preservatives or additives, you regain balance in a healthy way, without starving or causing unnecessary struggle. Source: Chopra
Get Help
Although eating disorders vary in severity from mild to life-threatening, they usually don’t go away by themselves. People with eating disorders often fear getting help because it could be seen as a sign of weakness. Loved ones can help break through that by being open to getting help themselves and by examining how they or other family relationships or issues may have contributed. In a family, both fathers and mothers need to be involved in treatment. This challenge needs to be shared. Family members and loved ones need to understand that the problem is not a simple one. Advice to “just eat” won’t help. The eating and body image issues cover up much more complicated feelings. Source: AAMFT
If you would like more information or resources related to weight management, please contact us.
Gina Vanderham Psychotherapy Practice
470 Granville St #830, Vancouver, BC V6C 1V4
Voicemail: (604) 733-7428 | Email: [email protected]